Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages
Raphael Jospe
Not Available
Modern Jewish Thinkers
Gershon Greenberg
God's Kindness has Overwhelmed Us
The Angel of Jewish History
Ronny Miron
Dov Schwartz and 1 more
Prayer After the Death of God
Avi Sagi
A Red Rose in the Dark
Dorit Lemberger
This Was from God
Jerome Yehuda Gellman
Reflections on Identity
Messianism in Medieval Jewish Thought
Dov Schwartz
The Many Faces of Maimonides
Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik on the Experience of Prayer
Perfect Goodness and the God of the Jews
The New Jewish Canon
Yehuda Kurtzer
Judaism and Human Geography
Yossi Katz
Inner Religion in Jewish Sources
Ron Margolin
The Twilight of Reason
Orietta Ombrosi
Moses and Abraham Maimonides
Diana Lobel